Care standards inspectorates 20 August 2012 The CQC ( is responsible for maintaining standards in residential and nursing homes in England. The SCSWIS ( is responsible for maintaining standards in residential and nursing homes in Scotland. The CSIW ( is responsible for maintaining standards in residential and nursing homes in Wales. The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands have their own equivalents too. These bodies monitor providers registered under the relevant governments acts, to ensure that they continue to meet the essential standards of quality and safety set out in guidance. They will review homes at least once every two years, and more frequently if there are concerns about quality. They publish the results of their reviews on their websites. Everyone who provides services in residential and nursing homes must make sure their services meet new essential standards of care that protect safety and respect dignity and rights. The national standards, published by each body, set out the requirements that apply to all homes providing accommodation, nursing and personal care to older people and those with learning disabilities. The standards are grouped under 5 headings and are designed to ensure that residents’ enjoy the best possible life in their care home. The headings are: You (or someone acting on your behalf) can expect to be respected, involved in your care and support, and told what’s happening at every stage You can expect care, treatment and support that meets your needs You can expect to be safe You can expect to be cared for by staff with the right skills to do their jobs properly You can expect your care-home provider to routinely check the quality of their services The governing body will look for evidence that these targets are met and that they ensure the residents are enjoying a good standard of living. email this article Comments Newest first Oldest first write a comment × Sign In Email address: Password: Remember me sign in Have you forgotten your password? × Write a Comment Name: Email Address: Rating: Comment: Characters Remaining: ×