The Discretionary Social Fund: Community Care Grants 31 July 2012 In this section you will find answers to the following questions: What is a Community Care Grant? Who can claim? What is a Community Care Grant? Community Care Grants are open to anyone on Pension Credit and if you are awarded one it does not have to be repaid. It is a grant that is designed to keep you in your home instead of moving to a care home and can be spent on large items that would improve your quality of life should you stay at home. Who can claim? To qualify for a Community Care Grant you must meet one of the following requirements: The grant will be spent on an item that will prevent you from going into a care home – such as on heating or a cooker if your old one breaks The grant would let you set up home following a stay in hospital or a care home by allowing you to buy some furniture You need to support a prisoner on home leave You need money for travel expenses (such as going to a funeral, going to visit someone who is ill, to relocate due to poor accommodation or if you are facing a domestic crisis) You are caring for someone who is seriously ill or severely disabled You have suffered a bereavement You have had to move due to poor standards of accommodation email this article Comments Newest first Oldest first write a comment × Sign In Email address: Password: Remember me sign in Have you forgotten your password? × Write a Comment Name: Email Address: Rating: Comment: Characters Remaining: ×